Bowls Etiquette

  1. Familiarise yourself with the rules of Lawn Green Bowls.
  2. Make sure you are in proper team colours and properly dressed for the match.
  3. Use the steps to get onto the green. Don't walk across other rinks whilst play is going on.
  4. Before a match, introduce yourself and shake hands with the opposition and your own team.
  5. Remain silent and still when a player of either team is on the mat.
  6. The player on the mat must not be distracted by bowlers moving at the head. Only when his wood has come to a complete stop should there be iuj at the head but only till the next player is on the mat. All movement by the opposing player/team must cease at this time. He may ask a member of his own team or the marker to point something out at the head before he bowls his wood.
  7. During the match you take directions from your skip.
  8. The lead places the mat and bowls the Jack.
  9. The 2 should update the scoreboard  and may mark the scorecard.
  10. The 3 directs the skip and does any measuring.  No-one should interfere with this procedure.
  11. The skip is in charge of the rink.
  12. 'Wicks' or flukes are annoying but we all get them. You should not shout out 'good shot' or applaud if your team gets one, nor should you comment on an opposing players 'Wick' fluke or wood.
  13. At the conclusion of the match you should shake hands with all the other players, starting with the opposing team.
  14. If at home then assist with putting equipment away.
  15. It is customary to buy your opponent a drink on completion of the match and to sit and socialise with the opposing team.
  16. If you are playing away then offer your opponent a drink in return and respect the club you are playing at.


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