Afternoon Bowlers

We went to Bredon for a six rinks triples match and lost heavily on 3 of them and lost overall.

Rink 1. Lorna Archer, Richard Hill and Hugh Mundy were never behind and although the number of winning ends were close 10-8 : we ran out 21-10 winners. 

Rink 2. Mike Palmer, Kelvin Bear  and John Lawson had a dismal afternoon losing 9-32 winning 7 of the 18 ends. 

Rink 3. Carole Glass, Tom Cevantes and Brian Haines didn't fare much better and were 24-2 down after 16 ends eventually losing 24-5. We won only 4 of the 18 ends.

Rink 4. Alex Fleming. Angela Slim and Rob Pearson  scorecard was missing but I was told we won by I shot.

Rink 5. Wendy Campbell, Richard Lee and Rowena Capper had a steady game and even picked up 7 shots on the 13th end eventually winning by 24-15 and 11 of the 18 ends.

Rink 6. Suzanne Payne, Tony Slim and John Glass got stuck on 5 shots for 7 ends and then on 10 shots for 5 ends to finally lose 27-11. We won on 7 of the 18 ends.


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